Ecology Reporting
Ecology Reports help to determine whether land has a limited ecological value to wildlife – and is therefore encouraged as a potential site for building developments – or if it is ecologically valuable in which case building developments will be discouraged.
If land is found to be ecologically valuable, developers are required to maintain, or protect and improve the ecological virtues throughout the planning and development process.
An Ecology Report could be a requirement of a planning application, or in order to meet the compliance regulations within the Code for Sustainable Homes.
Hilsdon Holmes can help with Ecology Reporting
As part of our team we have a number of highly qualified Ecologists (IEEM certified), with extensive experience in delivering Ecology Reports as part of the planning process. Our experience in dealing with Ecology reporting means that we will maximise our clients’ credit points wherever possible.
We have undertaken ecological surveys for a range of different builds, from residential and public building developments to commercial projects such as retail parks. Our team knowledge and expertise means that we can help clients to develop habitat management and planting plans if required.
Ecology Reporting – Will I need an Ecology Report?
Normally clients will request an Ecology Report:
- In order to achieve Eco Credits
- If a biodiversity or ecology requirement is conditional on a planning application.
In some instances clients are subject to both a planning condition, and a Code for Sustainable Homes condition. Where this is the case we can deal with both conditions using only one form.
In a small number of instances it is possible to use relevant checklists to achieve an Eco 1 Credit. However, for a number of sites you would need the services of a fully qualified Ecologist in order to meet the requirements and gain Eco Credits.