Part L – The Info

The new building regulations relating to Part L come into force in October 2010 – but for many the effects are only just being understood.

Many housebuilders registered developments prior to the changes, and so we are only just starting to see applications which are subject to Part L 2010.
Part L 2010 contains significant changes to existing building regs, and have a big impact on SAP Calculations due to the accompanying SAP 2009 changes – these are intended to help meet the UK’s commitment to reduced CO2 emissions.

So what does Part L 2010 mean for you?

Part L1A aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 25% over Part L1A 2006. This is a 40% improvement over 2002 regulations.

This corresponds roughly with the trigger point for Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3, in line with the UK government strategy for getting all new build dwellings to zero carbon by 2016.

We as SAP Assessors, and you as specifiers and builders will be facing new challenges around tightening limits on thermal bridging, party walls, increased air permeability testing and new limiting U Values, to name a few.

Hilsdon Holmes has been working hard to keep our clients up to date  for some further detailed reading we would suggest looking at:

  • SAP 2009 – The Info
  • Party Walls
  • Thermal Bridging in SAP 2009

Need help with your project?

If you would like further assistance with your Part L requirements please call on 01579 382202, or email us at

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