Thermal Imaging

Thermography is a tool for recording nearest surface temperatures. Working closely with TI expert engineers for each specific scenario, Hilsdon Holmes Ltd offer this service as an addition to BREEAM or air & sound testing if required.


Building Inspections

  • BREEAM grade advanced building inspections
  • Full envelope inspection and assessment between internal and external areas.
  • Thermal indexing to help identify areas of excessive energy loss with the use of Isotherms on the thermograms at external/internal threshold temperatures
  • Severity grading of faults found
  • Fault pages to include Anomaly, Root Cause and Remedial suggestions
  • Full suite of thermal images supplied unencumbered by isotherms at common scale for easy comparison between areas.
  • Provision of direct comparison between pre and post remedial work on the same trend page
  • Inclusion of drone imaging where specified for higher level buildings


Water leaks / roofing inspections

  • Inspection specific time scales applied to roof applications to take advantage of differential in thermal mass between wet and dry roof insulation
  • Qualification process prior to subsurface water leak inspection to ensure the best results are achieved
  • Fault pages to include Anomaly, Root Cause and Remedial suggestions
  • Full suite of thermal images supplied of all areas
  • Provision of direct comparison between pre and post remedial work on the same trend page
  • Inclusion of drone imaging where specified for larger roof areas or where walk-in is not optimising results.
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